Medical Dictionary

Rubin test

noun Ru·bin test \ˈrü-bən-\

Medical Definition of RUBIN TEST

:  a test to determine the patency or occlusion of the fallopian tubes by insufflating them with carbon dioxide by transuterine injection

Biographical Note for RUBIN TEST

Rubin, Isidor Clinton (1883–1958), American gynecologist. Rubin's early researches dealt with the pathology of cancer of the cervix of the uterus. He turned toward the study of sterility, and after several years he successfully developed the first test for determining the patency of the fallopian tubes. The test, now known as the Rubin test, was first performed in 1919, and a report was published in 1920. The author of three major gynecological texts and over 132 articles, Rubin was widely regarded as the foremost researcher of fertility in the 20th century.


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